Berend Strik // Body Electric

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Known for his photographically-based embroidery, Berend Strik is a master weaver of harsh imagery and soft gossamer threads. From pornography, carnival clubs, and cloned sheep to same-sex marriage, newborn babies and love, Strik sews it all together. In addition to embroidery, he makes use of a variety of media, including photogrpahy, stained glass, video and architectonic installations. Strik's work consists of deviations, deformations and mutations; into a culture of generic sameness, he introduces genuine variations, deviations that resist immediate assimilation. Body Electric charts what at first glance may seem a bewilderingly multi-faceted work. Conceived in close collaboration with the artist, this book features a uniquely stitched cover.

Contributors: Sven Lütticken
Publisher: Valiz
128 pages
23cm × 28cm
Format: Hardback
ISBN: 9789080818538
35,00 €
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