Johan Clarysse // Walden & Other Suspicions

"Walden & other suspisions" presents Clarysse’s artistic output of the past seven years, in which concepts of identity construction, communication and non-communication are key, along with the drives and aspirations of the human condition. Clarysse’s figurative paintings display a layered, hybrid imagery that questions and researches the ambiguity proper to human nature. His paintings tease and confuse, destabilize well-known images and themes, giving them power and force. Thus an oeuvre is created that is both playful and serious, clear and equivocal, subdued and intense.

Contributors: Willem Elias, Isabelle De Baets, Hans Theys
192 pages
21cm × 26cm
Format: Paperback
Language: EnglishDutch
ISBN: 9789491775598
39,50 €
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