Danilo Correale // Reverie

On the liberation from work

A two chapter guided Hypnosis exercise aimed at deeply relax your body and mind in preparation for a post-work society.
Think of this record as a tool to help you visualize what a life freed of work can be. Using this album, in the privacy of your home, you can learn an age-old ritual, greatly helpful in becoming more alert, refreshed, and more prepared to join collectively higher challenges.
Danilo Correale is an artist and researcher born in 1982 Naples, Italy, and he lives and works in New York and Napoli. In his work he analyzes aspects of human life, such as labor-leisure, and sleep under the lenses of time and body.
Deluxe Gatefold Record + Insert. 21" per side,  Ed. 400, Signed and Numbered

Contributors: Bob Black, Andre Gorz, Avi Alpert, Susan Brown, Bertrand Russel, CalResCo, John Mongiovi, Luisa Lorenza Corna
Publisher: Danilo Correale
31cm × 31cm
Format: LP
45,00 €
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