Other Possible Worlds

Proposals on this Side of Utopia / Entwurfe diesseits von Utopia

Which roles can art projects, art spaces, self organized academies and labs play in developing conceptions of the world that go beyond purely economic globalization? Projects from various parts of the world propose and test other realities of life and world views—from small artistic gestures to social experimentation.
‘Other Possible Worlds – Proposals on this Side of Utopia’ is conceived as an ongoing pool for varied formats. Topics such as dealing with cultural differences, economic and ecological changes, processes of leveling and confusing complexities form the basis for a common space in which to raise questions.

Contributors: Dorothee Albrecht, Berit Fischer, Franziska Lesák, Hubert Lobnig, Moira Zoitl
Publisher: argobooks
192 pages
26cm × 21cm
Format: Paperback
Language: EnglishGerman
ISBN: 9783942700214
19,50 €
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