Title Artist/author Pricesort ascending
Tsuyoshi Maekawa £45.00
Yuko Nasaka Last copies £45.00
Alphabet Michel Mouffe £45.00
Maekawa II Tsuyoshi Maekawa £45.00
Ni Co Lo Di Renato Nicolodi £45.00
Le Peintre Flamant Jef Verheyen £45.00
We Are All Flesh Berlinde De Bruyckere Out of print £40.00
Cahier de brouillons Werner Mannaers Last copies £40.00
Gorge(l) £40.00
Tongue Anne-Marie Van Sprang £40.00
Here art grows on... Simryn Gill Last copies £39.90
The Renaming of the... £39.50
De jaren twintig Victor Servranckx £39.50
Libretto (FR) Daniel Buren £39.50
Sadaharu Horio £39.50
Love Letters Werner Mannaers £39.50
Neonlicht Paul De Vree £39.50
Tight Rita Mc Bride & Koenraad Dedobbeleer £39.50
Wagner: L'... £39.50
Archive Species £39.50
