Pedro Wirz // Not the New, Not the Old, But the Necessary

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Pedro Wirz investigates how collaboration and participation create alternative ways of exhibition making, as well as how collective creativity and the issue of authorship can be balanced for investigating critical forms of experimental processes. “Not the New, Not the Old, But the Necessary“ operates at different levels of conceptual approaches such as abstraction, participation and curation. Wirz continues his series of “Curated Sculptures” out of a list of 243 artworks from the artists he collaborated with in the last four years.

Essays by John Beeson, Adnan Yildiz. Works by Adriana Lara, Alfred Boman, Aljoscha Lanz, Bevis Marein and Charlie Youle, Breena Murphy, Carlos Dias, Christian Mueller, Dan Perjovschi, Dan Solbach, Daniela Domingues, Emil Michael Klein, Friedemann Heckel, Jan Kiefer, Jonathan Zawada, Keichi Eanaami, Lucas Rampazzo, Lucas Wirz, Samuel Leuenberger, Sara Vidas, Stephan Doitschinoff, Thomas Jeppe, Tilman Schlevogt, Tobias Rehberger, Tobias Willa.

Contributors: John Beeson, Adnan Yildiz
Publisher: argobooks
132 pages
21cm × 21cm
Format: Paperback
ISBN: 9783942700276
19,50 €
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