Imran Mir

A World that is not Entirely Reflective but Contemplative

Imran Mir’s (1950-2014) oeuvre can be interpreted as a constant refusal to provide comprehensive elaboration beyond what one experiences. The act of contemplation is a guiding principle to interpreting Imran Mir’s work, an approach that reverberates into a practice that grew out of conversations with a community of artists, activists, poets, relatives, and other thinkers in Karachi.
Non-figurative, non-representational, geometrical and very bold, Imran Mir’s works can be read as theorems and positions on multiple modernisms and abstractions. Without being a critique or a response, he played with the rules, bypassing and expanding them to other realms to explore ways of being, ways of knowing time and space outside of the confinements of the West.

Contributors: Amal Alhaag, Bonaventure Soh Bejeng Ndikung, Ibrahim Cissé, Sophie Douala, Zippora Elders, Natasha Ginwala, Hajra Haider Karrar, Krista Jantowski, Momtaza Mehri, Aude Christel Mgba, Nighat Mir, Quddus Mirza, Gwen Parry, Nafisa Rizvi
Publisher: Archive Books
112 pages
16cm × 24cm
Format: Paperback
ISBN: 9783949973086
12,50 €
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