Title Artist/author Category Pricesort ascending
and… and… and… Alexander van Slobbe Last copies Architecture and Design £45.00
Think in Colour Hugo Puttaert Last copies Architecture and Design £45.00
The Big Escape Peggy Wauters Contemporary Art £45.00
Reverie Danilo Correale Sound Art £45.00
Gorge(l) Contemporary Art £40.00
Imagen Divina Toro-Goya Photography 40,00 €
Stillness Nik Gaffney Last copies Photography £40.00
Skid Row Desiree van Hoek Last copies Photography £40.00
Juvenile In Justice Richard Ross Out of print Photography £40.00
Tongue Anne-Marie Van Sprang Contemporary Art £40.00
We Are All Flesh Berlinde De Bruyckere Out of print Contemporary Art £40.00
Jurriaan Schrofer (... Out of stock Architecture and Design £40.00
Cahier de brouillons Werner Mannaers Last copies Contemporary Art £40.00
Hyperbody Kas Oosterhuis Architecture and Design £40.00
A Critical History... Theory 39,95 €
High-rise and the... Han Meyer, Daan Zandbelt Architecture and Design £39.95
Here art grows on... Simryn Gill Last copies Contemporary Art £39.90
On Connectivity a2o-architecten Architecture and Design £39.50
Archive Species Contemporary Art £39.50
De jaren twintig Victor Servranckx Contemporary Art £39.50
