Ingo Gerken // Views and Reviews

Ingo Gerken (*1971) engages with the history of art and transforms this engagement into spatial-sculptural form. Between the conflicting poles of reference and relevance, situation and subversion he investigates the permeability of real and imaginary spaces, their construction, flexibility and importance. His interventions, sculptures and photographs refuse any firm materiality but rather work toward the pure, condensed moment. With minimal effort and great ease, his objects coalesce with their environment and suddenly, strategically emerge as parameters – as a sort of framework – for historical, architectural and political discourse.

Contributors: Christian Schindler, Nina Jaenisch, Marco Antonini
Publisher: argobooks
112 pages
17cm × 24cm
Format: Paperback
Language: EnglishGerman
ISBN: 9783941560567
17,50 €
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