Robin Vanbesien // Solidarity Poiesis: I Will Come and Steal You

Taking its vantage point from the popular assemblies in Athens, Solidarity Poiesis: I Will Come and Steal You discusses the multifaceted ideas and prospects of this grassroots movement such as prefiguration, self-governance and abolition democracy. The notion of ‘solidarity poiesis’ arises from an argument for a poetics that will transform social justice through new sustainable self-organized infrastructures.
A book of essays and interviews by and with Tom Engels, Bryana Fritz, Christos Giovanopoulos, Avery F. Gordon, Valeria Graziano, Christina Papadopoulos, Christos Sideris, Alberto Toscano and Robin Vanbesien (editor, introduction). The book is a follow-up to Under These Words (Solidarity Athens 2016), a film by Robin Vanbesien (2017).

Contributors: Tom Engels, Bryana Fritz, Christos Giovanopoulos, Avery F. Gordon, Valeria Graziano, Christina Papadopoulos, Christos Sideris, Alberto Toscano and Robin Vanbesien
Publisher: B_Books
106 pages
11cm × 18cm
ISBN: 9783942214506
12,00 €
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