Bohdan Holomicek // HAVEL

From adolescence through to his retirement from his job as an electrician, Bohdan Holomicek has documented his own life, along with an entire segment of Czech Republic history. Part of his work—about his friend and neighbour Vaclav Havel (later to become the last president of Czechoslovakia and renowned playwright)— inevitably became a unique document. Their close friendship began in 1972. Despite their different destinies, the photographer/electrician and the playwright/politician share the same mutual respect, freedom of thought, emancipation from established rules, urge to break through barriers and spirit of fraternity. From the early morning portrait of Havel in a bathrobe to another taken in the President’s office, the relationship has never changed.

Publisher: Editions GwinZegal
124 pages
58 black and white illustrations
18cm × 28cm
Format: Paperback
ISBN: 9782952809979
20,00 €
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