Fight-Specific Isola

Art, Architecture, Activism and the Future of the City
Out of print

Fight-Specific Isola traces the long history of the Isola area of Milan and the organic, spontaneous progress of the Isola Art Center over the past 12 years. Featuring texts and many images, the book tells the story of an artistic and urban transformation, led by artists, who often had to invent tools and concepts along the way. This publication serves as an example of how to act on the ground in today’s urban condition. Different narratives of history, artistic intervention and action allow the reader to trace the complex idea of collectivity, solidarity and fight-specificity. Testing new terms such as dirty cube and dispersed centre, this book shows a possible way to respond to the constant pressure of neoliberal development and gentrification.

Isola Art Center is an open, experimental platform for contemporary art based in Milan’s Isola neighborhood. It is powered by energy, enthusiasm and solidarity. Over the last decade Isola Art Center has confronted an urban situation marked by conflict and extensive transformations. Its projects continue to be ‘no-budget’, precarious, hyperlocal. Doing away with conventional hierarchical structures, Isola Art Center rhizomatically brings together Italian and international artists, critics and curators, artists’ collectives, activists, architects, researchers, students and neighborhood groups.

Contributors: Atelier d’Architecture Autogérée, Marco Biraghi, Antonio Brizioli, Charles Esche, Mara Ferreri e Davide Caselli, Vincenzo Latronico, Isabell Lorey, Steve Piccolo, Gerald Raunig, Christoph Schäfer Marco Scotini, Bert Theis, Tiziana Villani
Publisher: Archive Books
144 pages
20cm × 33cm
Format: Paperback
Language: EnglishItalian
ISBN: 9783943620016
20,00 €
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